Setting Intentions


With the close of one decade comes the dawning of a new one, complete with hopes and dreams, desires and an increased awareness of the world around us, the delicate balance of the planet, and it’s resources.

We have a renewed sense of the importance of treading carefully, yet with intention in every step that we take. As we grow through experience and years, we recognize more of a desire to operate with integrity, being truthful in our everyday lives, with ourselves, our family, our business, and in our interactions with friends and strangers alike.

We choose to find the wonder and beauty of the natural world around us, and to be grateful for each and every sunrise and sunset that we are so honored to witness. This day, and this New Year, are a reminder to stop and notice the small things that fill our days; the softest pink cloud in the sky, the purring, sleeping cat on our lap as we type these thoughts, the joy of coming home to a warm, cozy home that greets us with the smells of good things cooking on the stove, and the way the tree limbs bend in the wind as soft snowflakes fall through the atmosphere.

May we never be too busy again, as to not notice the slightest beauty offered up as a gift. May we not forget to be grateful EACH and EVERY day for the people in our lives who make a difference.

Wishing you and yours the very happiest New Year.

With gratitude,

Bonnee + Alan